Answering this question is just as difficult as explaining physics and string theory – it is just that complex and involved that it can seem almost impossible to understand and, therefore, come to a definitive conclusion. If you are looking to employ a town house builder, calling them and asking how much they charge is really going to get you nowhere.
It should, however, be possible for most good town house builders to give you an estimate on how much a house would cost per square meter, as long as they are able to look over your plans and engineering documents for a couple of hours. It is always a good idea, however, to add an extra $150 or so per square meter to whatever estimate a builder gives you, as this will enable you to account for any problems or issues that may arise during the building process.
You also need to take into account that, at the end of the day, you get what you pay for. Sure, there are town houses being built for around $700 per square meter, but there are other houses that are being built for $2000 per square meter plus. This price is all going to depend on what materials you have chosen to use in your town house construction and how much of a cut your builder plans to take.
Ultimately, answering the question of how much town house builders charge for their work is near impossible without the proper information and facts. You can’t just walk up to a builder and ask them how much they charge per square meter without at least showing them some plans and the land. And don’t forget to add extra to any estimate to account for problems.